I am sure you were all expecting a special Christmas post from bagface.  I am sorry to report that bagface is still away on his Mexican free love and unsafe sex holiday.  Bagface, a father of two, will be back to write his year-in-review post.

So there was a Christmas Show on Vaughn, with many casters participating.  I didn’t see it, but I heard it was pretty okay.

And in the spirit of Christmas, Mark Vaughn introduced the new VIP membership, which costs $10 or $15 a month or something.  If you sign up, don’t use paypal’s dispute thing to end your subscription.  Young innocent Bradders and goofy Arkansas bohunk damisc were reportedly banned from Vaughnlive for doing just that.

I’d be too worried I’d click the wrong paypal button.  What if I freeze up and then it says my session is about to end so I click in a rush and it’s the wrong one so the disputed payment buzzer goes off and the Vaughns get so so mad and I get banned?

So, no, I won’t buy a VIP account. Too much pressure.